About Us
- Kapture is built and supported by our own Developers working directly in collaboration with the End Users (Clinical Staff) and our Team of experts in Clinical Project Management, Data Management, Statistics and Quality Assurance at Data Magik.
- Individual clinical projects or whole development programmes can be quickly and flexibly deployed then managed either by your own Staff or by our own Team of experts.
- Kapture is the only EDC solution which Investigators, Nurses, Patients, Data Managers and Project Managers alike love to use.
A Natural Evolution
Kapture has grown and evolved through a number of major version changes since 1999. It was originally SAS/AF based, then MS Silverlight and now HTML5, but at its core the basic processes and unique structuring remain the same.
The Most Resource Efficient
With all your Clinical trial system needs all in one place, Kapture increases efficiency and reduces time to Clinical Study Reporting leading to shorter product submissions and thus saving money.
Kapture now provides training on demand, automatically certifies users, issues certificates and schedules additional or updates to training. Sophisticated and Adaptable.